- All Things Spread Around (F. Nogués) 7:22
- Hard To Stand (F. Nogués) 3:52
- Stop It All 5:33 (F. Nogués)
- The Temple Of The King (Blackmore/Dio)5:23
- Electro Go For Miles (F. Nogués) 4:02
- Brilliant (F. Nogués) 5:37
- Breaking The Law (Halford, Downing, Tipton) 2:21
- When The Day Turns Grey (F. Nogués) 4:51
- Cementery (F. Nogués) 4:51
- Nissake Of Power (F. Nogués) 3:28
- Don’t Touch My Balls (F. Nogués) 4:34
- Did It (E. Maluquer, F. Nogués)3:07
- Communication Breakdown (Bonham/Jones/Page) 2:26
- Some Heads Will Roll (E. Maluquer, F. Nogués)2:58
- Mitzi Dupree (Blackmore, Gillan, Glover) 4:29
- Lady Double Dealer (Blackmore/Coverdale) 2:55
- Fall On My Knees - Live (F. Nogués) 3:36
Aquesta és l'única maqueta de la banda sota el nom d'Electro Leprosilla. Vam cometre l'errada de fer una recopilació d'enregistraments antics i recents, i el resultat fou un CD molt variat i poc unitari, que representa l'evolució de la banda des del 1992 fins el 1998. El CD és fruit d'una tria entre hores i hores d'enregistraments en un aparell de 4 pistes analògic. A la majoria de cançons el meu cosí toca el baix i fa les pistes de guitarra rítmica, i jo faig els solos, les pistes de bateria elèctrica i les veus. Inclou una cançó enregistrada en directe per la primera formació de la banda. El disc va rebre una crítica favorable al diari Avui.
This is our only demo CD under the name Electro Leprosilla. The inclusion of older material as well as recent recordings proved to be a wrong decision, since the CD has a lack of inner toghetherness. However, it is an interesting example of the band's musical evolution from 1992 untill 1998. This CD is the result of compilating many hours of songs recorded with an analog 4 track recorder. Mainly it's my cousin on bass and rhyth guitar, while I play lead guitar, electric drums, and vocals. It features a song recorded live by the band's first line-up. Catalan newspaper Avui featured positive review of this album.

- Some Heads Will Roll (Maluquer/Nogués) 3:47
- The Battle Rages On (Blackmore/Gillan/Lord/Paice) 6:09
- Don’t Touch My Balls 5:15
- Fall On MY Knees (F. Nogués) 4:36
- Perfect Strangers (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover)6:29
- Anya (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover/Lord) 5:44
- Stop It All (fragment) (F. Nogués) 4:03
- When The Day Turns Grey (F. Nogués) 6:58
- Mitzi Dupree (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover) 6:51
- Let's Shake It Up (Lee/Gould) 4:05
Aquest és l'unic directe enregistrat encara com a Electro Leprosilla digne d'anar a un CD. No és un concert normal degut als problemes que vam tenir amb el volum del so i les característiques del local, no insonoritzat. Això va condicionar el repertori i la durada del concert. Era la nostra tercera aparició en públic amb aquesta formació. És un record d'una nit insòlita (24 d'abril del 1999).
This is the only live recording, still by Electro Leprosilla, good enough to make it into a CD. It's not a normal concert because the venue was not able to hold such volume, and this affected our set list and the length of the show. It was the third live appearance by this incarnation of the band. It's a souvenir of a bizarre night (April the 24th 1999).
ELECTRO LEPROSILLA: 23 de juliol del 1999: Darrer Assaig (1999)

- Let's Shake It Up (Lee/Gould) 3:41
- Man On The Silver Mountain (Blackmore/Dio) 3:46
- T 28 (F. Nogués) 5:08
- Hard To Stand (F. Nogués) 1:10
- Stop It All (F. Nogués) 6:09
- T 29 (F. Nogués) 3:30
- The Battle Rages On...(Blackmore/Gillan/Lord/Paice) 6:51
- Don’t Touch My Balls (F. Nogués) 8:47
- Perfect Strangers (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover) 6:52
- Mitzi Dupree (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover)6:06
- Some Heads Will Roll (Maluquer/Nogués) 3:12
- Burn (fragment) (Blackmore/Lord/Paice/Coverdale) 2:28
- People Burning (F. Nogués) 3:28
- Don't You Know (F. Nogués) 3:20
- Nissake Of Power (F. Nogués) 3:32
- Witching Hour (Bray/Dunn/Lant) 3:10
This is the last rehearhal before I moved from Barcelona to Eivissa, and the future of the band was uncertain. Recorded at our rehearshal room (July the 23rd 1999) in a joyful mood, I would say that this is a concert for ourselves.
PERFECT PAIR: 1997-98 (2000)

- Don’t Touch My Balls (16 Nov. 97) (F. Nogués) 4:22
- Brilliant 1 (16 Nov. 97) (F. Nogués) 5:04
- Brilliant 2 (16 Nov. 97) (F. Nogués) 5:15
- Dance (F. Nogués) (16 Nov. 97) 7:24
- People Burning (16 Nov. 97) (F. Nogués) 3:53
- Conventional Role (9 i 12 març 97) (F. Nogués) 3:17
- Idea Oculta 97 (F. Nogués) 0:37
- Instrum. Oculta 97 (F. Nogués) 4:00
- Don’t Touch My Balls 1 (3 maig 97) (F. Nogués) 3:31
- Don’t Touch My Balls 2 (3 maig 97) (F. Nogués) 3:41
- People Burning (3 maig 97) (F. Nogués) 3:48
- Brilliant (2 gen. 98) (F. Nogués) 5:06
- Electro Go For Miles (2 gen. 98) (F. Nogués) 3:59
- People Burning (2 gen. 98) (F. Nogués) 3:36
PERFECT PAIR: 1999 (2000)

- T 28 (Inicis 1999) (F. Nogués) 5:25
- T 29 (Inicis 1999) (F. Nogués) 3:46
- Don’t Touch My Balls (24-25 juny 99) (F. Nogués) 5:45
- Cementery (24-25 juny 99) (F. Nogués) 4:25
- Dance (24-25 juny 99) (F. Nogués) 6:18
- Perfect Strangers (24-25 juny 99) (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover)5:57
- Lady Double Dealer (24-25 juny 99) (Blackmore/Coverdale) 3:30
- Some Heads Will Roll (24-25 juny 99) (Maluquer/Nogués) 2:31
- Don’t Touch My Balls (8 jul. 99) (F. Nogués) 11:46
- T 29 (8 jul. 99) (F. Nogués) 4:11
- Tossea (8 jul. 99) (F. Nogués) 4:01
- Caca (23 des. 99) ♬ (F. Nogués) 3:56
This selection of recordings is somehow arbitrary done. These two albums are the result of remixing the 4 track tapes and presenting them as a series of recording sessions, chronological and with full credits. In recent years, we recorded fewer songs than in 1993-96, so almost everything we've done is featured in this two CDs. The new mixes feature louder guitars, and a higher volume. During the process of listening to the tapes, a couple of surprises have surfaced, one of them being a forgotten guitar instrumental so called "hidden" because it did not appear on the tape label. One of the highlights is a recordding of T 29 featuring one of the few recorded solos by my cousin (and one of his best). And only a pair of covers (Deep Purple).
PERFECT PAIR: The Guitar Player Club (2000)

- Walking In The Shadow Of The Blues (Coverdale, Marsden) 4:27
- Anya (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover/Lord) 4:44
- Love Child ♬ (Bolin/Coverdale) 3:28
- People Burning (F. Nogués) 3:32
- Some Heads Will Roll (Maluquer/Nogués) 2:47
- T 29 (F. Nogués) 4:55
- T 28 (F. Nogués) 4:07
- Don't Touch My Balls (F. Nogués) 6:30
- Brilliant ♬ (F. Nogués) 5:26
- Jailbreak (Lynott) 3:55
- The Battle Rages On... (Blackmore/Gillan/Lord/Paice)5:55
- Uaishtabu ♬ (F. Nogués) 2:48
- Mitzi Dupree (Blackmore, Gillan, Glover) 5:13
- Let's Shake It Up (Lee/Gould) 3:32
- Lady Double Dealer (Blackmore/Coverdale)2:47
- Kill The King (Blackmore, Dio, Powell) 4:12
- Perfect Strangers (Blackmore/Gillan/Glover)4:59
Finally my cousin and Tomàs Saura mixed and mastered at Comusa (Barcelona) the tapes of this concert. In Eivissa we edited and tranfered it to CD. Recently I finished the artwork. Due to technical problems the last part of the show was not recorded and the bass (of the surviving parts) is almost inaudible. The result is an almost entire show, with a very good sound, but without bass. It's not our best performance but it's the only one with a professional sound quality, and it was the first time we played live some titles (Brilliant, Uaishtabu, T 29, Jailbreak, Kill The King). This was going to be the first of a series of concerts but has become the last Perfect Pair show... until the Senglar Rock festival.
PERFECT PAIR: Pedecuni Sessions (2001)

- Intro (Nogués)
- Stop (Nogués)
- T Groc (Nogués)
- T 29 (Nogués)
- Can Simó d'en Jaume ♬ (Nogués)
- Dance 2001 (Maluquer/Nogués)
- Maislaurent Blanc (Maluquer)
- Uaishtabu (Nogués)
This is the result of the recording sessions that took place in august and september 2001, at home in Eivissa. The order of the songs is the order in which they were recorded, except "T 29", that I had was almost finished. There are new songs ("Can Simó", "T Groc"), and the rest of them have been highly re-arranged. The sound improvement in relation to precedent recordings is clearly perceptible. It also includes the first seriously made recording of my cousin's composition "Maislaurent Blanc", featuring himself on vocals. At the sessions I also recorded two blues songs that will be part of a blues CD: the first one is Dixon's classic "Help Me", and the second one is "Pixum'x Tree Blues" revisited (written by my cousin and me as a result of a jam in 1992).

- Get It
- Verifies
- Instichia
- Power ♬
- Atelaw
- Quint Figurant ♬ (F. Nogués, C. Torres)
- Mars
- Gap impro
- Percussió
- Idea set_2004
- Idea neta set_2004
- Tres idees baix
- Idea neta final jul_2004
- Instichia instrum
- Power instrum
- Atelaw instrum
composat i s'ha enregistrat entre l'abril i el novembre del 2004. Això són cançons de prova, la majoria primers enregistraments. Partint d'aquests esborranys s'haurien de fer arranjaments, modificacions i aleshores enregistr-les convenientment. Atès que això no ha estat possible enguany i que aquestes cançons formen part d'una etapa compositiva força unitària, es pot presentar aquest esborrany, les demos de "Total Impunity", el CD del 2004 que Perfect Pair no van enregistrar, i que inclou algunes de les caçons més progressives de la banda, com poden ser Instichia i Power, que segueixen la tradició de peces com Brilliant o Uaishtabu.
Finally, we are able to present a new set of songs as the result of what has been written and recorded between april and november 2004. These are test recordings, and first time recordings of some of them. This should be the primary material to work on, make new arrangements, and do a proper recording. Since this has not taken place in year 2004, and since these songs were created in a compositional period of time, we are able to present them as the "Total Impunity" demos, the non-recorded Perfect Pair's album of 2004, which features some of our most progressive songs, followers of songs such as Briliiant and Uaishtabu.