Aquesta és la nova cançó de Perfect Pair. M'agradaria que el meu cosí algun dia faci un enregistrament amb les seves parts de guitarra. M'agrada perquè Perfect Pair al llarg dels anys han anat evolucionant des del hard rock cap al metal progressiu, geomètric diria jo. És l'avantatge de no ser un professional (i no haver de compondre per vendre discos).
També estic preparant un disc de jazz metal. Mai m'havia agradat el free, però el poder veure en directe el quintet de Joachim Kühn m'ha ajudat a entrar-hi, i fa temps que estic treballant en algun tema instrumental amb element de metal, de jazz i de rock progressiu. Sé que sona pretenciós però s'ha de provar.
This is the new Perfect Pair song. I wish my cousin will record his guitar parts someday. I like the fact that this band has developed his style through the years from hard rock to progressive metal, geometric as I would say. These are the benefits of not being a professional musician, that I compose what I want without worrying of record sales.
I am also working on a jazz metal CD. I didn't like free jazz untill I had the chance of seeing the Joachim Kühn quintet live. That helped me enter this world and since then I'm recording a series of instrumental pieces that have elements of metal, jazz, and progressive rock. I know that it sounds pretentious but I have to try doing it.
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