Whitesnake 04.10.04 - Razzmatazz
Barcelona (Catalonia)
Entrades exhaurides, fins i tot amb la vergonyosa manera com es van vendre tantes entrades com per rebentar l'antic Zeleste. Algun dia hi haurà un curtcircuit i la tragèdia sortirà a la premsa internacional. Ventilació 0 (fins i tot el Sr. Coverdale va fer diversos comentaris al respecte). També va dir que estava content de veure tanta gent atès que l'any passat ningú els volia contractar per venir (una altra mostra de la qualitat dels promotors que hem de patir).Un dels millors concerts de Whitesnake que he sentit d'aquesta gira, amb David Coverdale en un estat de gràcia com mai l'havia vist. Potser el so era massa heavy per gran part del repertori (trobem a faltar aquelles guitarres Marsden-Moody).
Sold Out. More tickets were sold than allowed for this venue. As a
result, the house was full and very hot. David Coverdale noticed this
and between songs said things like: "This is the hottest place in the
world", "You still can breathe?", etc. David said that it's good to
see so many people here because last year "Nobody wanted us to play here". This gives you an idea of how
mediocre are all the promoters in Barcelona (it is obvious that a
reunited Whitesnake show would be a success in this town). People sang
nearly each verse of every song, making David's voice inaudible at
times. He was happy and confortable. Somebody in the audience was
supposed to look like Ian Paice and this made Coverdale say: "We have
Ian Paice here! Good to see you Ian!". I've listened to many
Whitesnake concerts, some of them from this tour, and I can say that I
had never before heard David's voice in such good shape as last night
in Barcelona, reaching all the high notes with no problems. The guitar
sound was too heavy for most of the setlist. We miss that
Marsden-Moody sound.
This is, almost in correct order, the setlist:
Bad Boys - Children Of The Night
Love Ain't No Stranger
Ready an' willing
Is This Love
Give Me All Your Love
Judgement Day - Doug Aldrich guitar solo
Crying In The Rain - Tommy Aldridge drum solo
Ain't No Love In The Heart Of The City
Don't break my heart again
Fool For Your Loving
Here I Go Again
Take Me With You
Still Of The Night
Soldier Of Fortune (
a capella)